Chemical Inventory Account Information
Professors, graduate students, and lab assistants can get their own user accounts to the Quartz inventory system. This is done for several purposes:
- Each lab may use the system to separate and organize their inventory for better control and tracking in their own laboratories, such as specifying locations (freezer, refrigerator, etc.).
- Users can search in inventory if they need a small amount of a specific chemical. If the chemical is located in another lab, the owner of the chemical can be contacted to determine if it can be used.
To obtain an account or for information on using the inventory, please contact Paul Hintz (, x7488).
Paul Hintz, Ph.D.
Instrument Specialist
Bryn Mawr College
Park 178A

Contact Us
Science Support Services Department
Bob Beyer
Machine and Instrument Shop
Bryn Mawr College
Phone: 610-526-7492