Call Center
All service requests are logged in and tracked by our Call Center. The Call Center is the heart of the Facilities Services Department.
Our customer service representatives handle all incoming calls, e-mails and walk-ins. Requests are logged into our work-order database. Mechanics are dispatched from the Call Center. The mechanics stop by regularly to check in and report on the status of work orders.
Our Call Center is staffed from 7 a.m. through 5 p.m. Service requests that are non-urgent in nature should be sent via Building Advocate if you are in an academic or administrative building or by submitting an on-line service request. Urgent requests (i.e., issues involving personal safety, security or loss or damage to facilities or property) should be phoned into the Facilities Services Call Center at x7930 during normal business hours. If an urgent request occurs during off hours, contact Campus Safety at x7911. Campus Safety will notify the 24-hour, on-call mechanic, if necessary.
Generally, requests for maintenance and repairs take precedence over requests for alterations and improvements. Visit the Service page for more information. For general inquiries regarding ongoing work or cost estimates, please contact our Call Center at x7930 during regular business hours.
—Mike Hyduke, Call Center and Work Order System Coordinator
—Halle Ruane, Account Assistant/Customer Service Representative