Risorse di settore
In this section, we offer visibility to the vast and diverse range of opportunities offered every year to students affiliated with our Department.
Major Representatives
The major representatives, commonly called major reps, are chosen each year by the Chair of the Transnational Italian Studies Department. These students officially represent the majors to the department faculty and other students. They are available to talk with students informally about the Italian major and to serve as a resource for declared majors as they complete work in the major. Representatives may bring issues to the department on behalf of majors. They also help organize department events. On the occasion of a search for a faculty member or the case of a reappointment, tenure, or promotion of a faculty member of the department, the major representatives assist the department and the College in soliciting and evaluating student views about the candidates or the case.
2024-25 ITAL Major Representatives
- Eleanor Taylor '25
- Lilian Belzer '25
See at this link l'archivio storico 2013-2022 dell'Italian Club (by the Italianiste di Bryn Mawr) to discover the recent history of Italian Studies at Bryn Mawr College.
Study Abroad in Italy
The Department of Transnational Italian Studies at Bryn Mawr College has formal exchange agreements with many selected institutions in Italy. Students typically spend 1 or 2 semesters abroad during their junior year, taking credits that are then transferred to their major and minor curriculum. These programs are overseen and administered by the Study Abroad Office, which provides assistance to Bryn Mawr undergraduates seeking to study abroad at an Exchange Partner Institution. The list of destinations and programs in Italy can be found at this link:
Departmental Prizes and Awards
- Elinor Nahm Prize in Elementary Italian: it is awarded by the Department for excellence in the study of Italian at the elementary level.
- Elinor Nahm Prize in Intermediate Italian: it is awarded by the Department for excellence in the study of Italian at the intermediate level.
- Elinor Nahm Prize in Italian Language & Literature: it is awarded by the Department for excellence in the study of Italian at the advanced level.
- Gamma Kappa Alpha National Italian Honor Society: the induction in this society is proposed and sponsored by the Department for high academic merit and distinction in the study of Italian.
Bryn Mawr Prizes and Awards
The Department can nominate and recommend students for the following college-wide competitive undergraduate awards in the fields of Languages and Literatures:
- Hester Ann Corner Prize For Best Thesis Written In a Foreign Language
- Laurie Ann Levin Prize for Best Thesis in Comparative Literature
- Barbara Riley Levin Prize for Best Thesis in Comparative Literature
- Richmond Lattimore Prize for Poetic Translation
- Hester Ann Corner Prize for Distinction in Literature
- Thomas Raeburn White Scholarship in Foreign Language Study
- Judy Loomis Gould Scholarship for Summer Study Abroad
- Elizabeth S. Shippen Scholarship in Foreign Language
- Charles S. Hinchman Memorial Scholarship
- Hanna Holborn Gray Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Charles S. Hinchman Memorial Scholarship
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
- The Annual Convention of NeMLA (The Northeast Modern Language Association) annually features a separate Undergraduate Research Forum in the form of poster presentations. Students are invited to give 3- to 5-minute presentations on their research followed by a networking event. This is an opportunity for aspiring scholars to discuss their research with peers, graduate students and faculty, and to be awarded prizes by NeMLA's various constituencies. Students can receive mentorship on writing and structuring their presentations. Students should present clear and innovative arguments that put their unique insights in conversation with existing scholarship (secondary sources).
- For more information about the deadlines and how to submit poster proposals, please consult this website.
- The AATI – American Association of Teachers of Italian annually awards two outstanding undergraduate college students for an outstanding essay in Italian language, culture, literature, and cinema. Each award carries a cash prize of $500 and an official announcement is made at the annual AATI-ACTFL conference."
- For more information about previous winning essays and future updates and deadlines, please visit this website.
- The Journal "Riflesso: Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Journal of Italian Studies" is a space to showcase undergraduate research and foster critical dialogue on the multifaceted nature of Italian culture loosely defined. The journal invites submissions from undergraduate students (or recent graduates) globally in the forms of original research essays, creative pieces, or translations. Research articles can be written in English and Italian and should be between 2,000 and 5,000 words in length, including footnotes and bibliography. Creative pieces, such as poetry, short stories, personal essays, or other written works must be a maximum of 1,000 words. Submissions will undergo a rigorous and blind peer-review process and will be published only upon approval by the reviewers and editorial board. All disciplines will be considered, including but not limited to: literature and languages, linguistics, cinema studies, migration and diaspora studies, history, art history, philosophy, religious studies, gender and sexuality studies, political science, and medical and environmental humanities. Accepted submissions will be published in the journal through an open-access platform hosted permanently by University of Toronto Libraries.
- For more information and to submit, please consult this website, email riflessojournal@gmail.com, and see their Instagram page: @riflesso_journal
Internship and Scholarship Opportunities
Students in the Transnational Italian Studies Department have held internships that allow them to live in Italy and gain valuable work experience. Current opportunities include:
- VoluntarItaly is a summer program in Italy at the Summer Camps at the Oratories of Lombardy. This is an opportunity for volunteers aged 18 to 25 to participate in a three-weeks program in June in Italy. Volunteers work alongside counselors in Lombardy's oratories on educational and recreational activities while improving their Italian language skills.
- The deadline is in February. Please visit the website at this link or contact voluntaritaly@dantemichigan.org
- The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers grants and scholarships for U.S.-based undergraduate students to undertake postgraduate programs, research stays, and teaching periods at universities and research centers in Italy and the United States. In particular, the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) Program aims to strengthen English language instruction at Italian high schools in the South of Italy by establishing a native-speaker presence to provide part-time assistance for 16 teaching hours per week to permanent teaching staff.
- For more information visit Fulbright in Italy
- The SITE Program (Study, Intercultural Training and Experience) is a paid internship program for English Teaching Assistants in the schools of the Region of Lombardy, Italy, for new graduates who wish to get a better understanding of the Italian language and culture while assisting the Italian teachers in their work. The program, established in 2005, promotes linguistic and intercultural exchange within Europe and across the globe. The program is open to majors or minors.
- To be nominated contact Prof. Roberta Ricci, chair.
- The Department partners with the Directors of Education Office at the Consulates General of Philadelphia and of New York City to help Italian majors find part-time and full-time open job positions as teachers of Italian language in local K-12 schools after their graduation. Upon specific agreements, the required Teacher State Certifications may be waived for certain temporary positions.
- If interested in post-graduate teaching opportunities contact Prof. Roberta Ricci and Prof. Luca Zipoli.
- Internship Programs in partnership with the city of Taormina.
- Intern as a writer for L'Italo-Americano, a bi-weekly newspaper serving the Italian American community.
- The Coccia Foundation offers over $45,000 every year for awards and scholarships to students who majored or minored in Italian Studies. Some former Bryn Mawr students have been the recipients of these prestigious opportunities, which allowed them to invaluable experiences in Italy and in Italian Studies.
- The full list of all the scholarships available, all the details and the deadlines can be found at this webpage.
- The NIAF – National Italian American Foundation awards roughly $1 million to promote Italian American culture and support the academic success of Italian American youth. It has awarded over $10,000,000 in scholarships since its founding, thanks to the generosity of the Italian American community. NIAF administers nearly 200 scholarships annually, ranging in value from $2,500 to $12,000 to Italian American students studying a wide variety of subjects.
- For more information about all the scholarships available, requirements, and deadlines please visit this website.
- The NOIAW – National Organization of Italian American Women was founded in 1980 to develop a national network of Italian American women of diverse professional backgrounds. Each year the organization awards four to six scholarships, providing the opportunity for Italian American women to pursue their ambitions in higher education.
- For more information about all the scholarships available, requirements, and deadlines please visit this website for more information.
- The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute operates under the aegis of The City University of New York. It was founded in 1979 and reconstituted in 1995, and it is devoted to documenting and preserving the Italian American experience, heightening awareness, fostering higher education, and conducting research to deepen understanding of Italian Americans’ culture and heritage. The Institute is committed to making scholarship information available and keeping it updated.
- For more information about all the scholarships available, requirements, and deadlines please visit this website.
Postgraduate Study Options
- In the United States and in Canada there is a vast range of excellent Graduate Programs in Italian Studies, which are conducive to both an M.A. and a Ph.D. and are in most cases fully funded with scholarships.
- For a full list of these graduate study opportunities and links to their programs, please visit this webpage.
- Online conversation in Italian with Italian students. Students who actively participate in at least 80% of the meetings will receive a Certificate of Attendance. Student participation is observed through continuous live online interactions supplemented with interim and final questionnaires. Visit the online conversation here.
- If interested, please send an email to admin@italengusa.com as soon as possible.
- Scuola di Italiano Dante Alighieri in Camerino-Recanati. Please have a look at their website.
- The Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri is an Italian language school for international students in Rome, offering courses and programs for all needs. Established in 1994, it is licensed by the Ministry of Education and recognized for the quality of education offered.
- For more information, please visit their website at this link.
- The America-Italy Society of Philadelphia is a non-profit that promotes friendship and cultural understanding between Italy and the US. The organization is creating events and classes for young professionals who have studied Italian in college and who are interested in continuing to cultivate the Italian language and culture. For everyone under 28, AIS-Phila is offering a first-year free 18-28 membership of the value of $100. The membership gives a 10% discount on any Italian course offered at AIS-Phila and allows access for free or at a discounted rate to cultural events such as Cineforum, film viewings with discussion (in Eng), and other in person events like Aperitivo in Italiano and so on.
- ITALIANA – Language, Culture, Creativity in the World visit the website.
- Giulia by Treccani is an online Italian language school hosted by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, founded in Rome in 1925. This school is fully online and offers live courses with expert, native-speaking teachers who guide through an interactive learning experience to get everyone to speak and understand Italian confidently. Giulia's courses cover a vast range of formats (group classes, private lessons, conversation meetings) and their teachers are experienced and passionate language professionals dedicated to providing high-quality Italian language instruction.
- For more information about this language school, please visit their website at this link.
Departmental Courses and Resources
- Luca Zipoli presents "Philadelphia the Global City: the Italian Legacy across Time"
- Italian past courses Spring 2021 (Giammei, Benetollo, Bozzato, Ricci)
- Italian past courses Fall 2020 (Giammei, Benetollo, Bozzato, Ricci)
- What is Comparative Literature?
- Teach Yourself Italian, by American Pulitzer prize Jhumpa Lahiri

Contact Us
Transnational Italian Studies Department
Old Library 103
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5198
Fax: 610-526-7479
Roberta Ricci, Chair
Phone: 610-526-5048
Katie Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 526-5198