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Colloquium in Visual Culture

Feb 26
12:30pm - 2:00pm
On Campus Event - Old Library, 224

With a more-than-human scope, the talk will take into account socio-ecological, socioeconomic and geopolitical relationships; the lasting social effects of the geopolitical debt structuring enforced on Jamaica’s economy; the formation of an art practice in this context; and the capacity of small short-funded grassroots activities and outputs to influence cultural outcomes in a nation state where public safety nets do not compensate for the social risks inherent in the capitalist economic system. Key touch points that will be considered from Anzinger’s art practice are the nature of relationships, resource sharing, authorship, ownership, mobility, climate divergence and their lessons from small economies like that of Jamaica.

Audience: Public
Type(s): Lecture
Lisa Kolonay

Bryn Mawr College welcomes the full participation of all individuals in all aspects of campus life. Should you wish to request a disability-related accommodation for this event, please contact the event sponsor/coordinator. Requests should be made as early as possible.