This course is for beginners looking to add rowing to their fitness routine.
Students in this course will learn the basic technical aspects of the rowing stroke and the rowing machine and how to build a fitness routine on the erg. Students will be exposed to endurance, speed, and strength workouts with feedback and direction from the instructor.
This course will have two field trips to the Hines Rowing Center for on-the-water rowing experience. Students are required to pass the PE Swim Test before the field trip. Quarter PE class, 1 PE credit.
Second quarter class, 1 PE credit. 2 field trips for on-water rowing that will require all students to have passed the BMC swim test. Class starts the week of Oct. 30. Registration for this course will open on Oct. 23.
Meeting Times:
MoWe 9:10-10 a.m., Schwartz Gym Main