360° - Education Stories

360°: Women in Walled Communities
This 360° examines the constraints and agency of individual actors in social spaces, with aparticular focus on the institutional settings of colleges and prisons and the “critical spaces” that can open up within them.

360°: Centering Critical Blackness
This cluster interrogates the ways diasporic bodies navigate change, boundaries, and disrupt systems, particularly through movement and education, from an Afro-feminist and womanist perspective.

360°: Poetics and Politics of Race
The goal of this 360° is to unpack how meaning is made from representations of race—from artifacts in an anthropological context, to representations in literature, to how people teach and learn.

360°: Paradigms of Revival
In a fundamentally decolonial spirit, this course cluster examines the ways colonialism has contained, collected, captured, and commodified Blackness, a practice that circulates objectified images of the peoples, cultures, and cultural objects of Africa and the African Diaspora.

360°: Arts of Resistance
This cluster of three courses is about the constraints and agency of individual actors in social spaces, with a particular focus on the institutional settings of colleges and prisons and the “critical spaces” that can open up within them.

360°: Changing Education
Changing Education, the first 360° offering at Bryn Mawr, is inspired by the College's 125th anniversary in 2010-11.

360°: Learning and Narrating Childhoods
Incorporating a visit to the Titagya school in rural Ghana, this 360° explores how children grow and develop in different contexts (e.g. schools, communities, households) and cultures (e.g., the United States, West Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa) and how this growth and development is conceptualized and represented–in texts and theories–mainly by adults, across cultures and fields of study.

360°: Eco-Literacy
This Eco-Literacy 360° cluster considers our participation in the environment from the perspectives of economics, education, and various forms of literary and visual expression. Our goal is to develop a vocabulary for thinking, feeling and talking about the ways in which the places we live affect each of us, and how each of us affects the places we live.