Staff from Across Campus Honored with Senior Staff Awards
May 31, 2022
Thirty-five staff members, including the entire staff of the Health and Wellness Center and the Conferences and Events office, were recently recognized with Senior Staff Awards for stepping up in a special way to serve their departments or the Bryn Mawr community more broadly. The awards were presented by President Kim Cassidy at a May 25 Coffee Hour held in Taft Garden.
Awardees included: Libby Lakeman, admissions; Christian Zavisca, communications; Chelsea Lobdell and Grace Cipressi, library and information technology services; Terry McLaughlin, athletics; Sarah Robertson, provost’s office: Susan Chadwick, financial aid office; Lauren Doberstein and Pam Johnson, alumnae/i relations and development; Henry Phan, investment office; Lisa Zernicke, Kim Parrent, and Deb Chadwick, conferences and events; and Vera Whyte, who just retired after more than 22 years in transportation.
Health and Wellness Center honorees were: Sydney Baker, Tisa Baena, Frances Berger, Margot A. Bradley, Rebecca Bramen, Jonathan Colvson, Danielle Freeman, Ruth Frank, Mary Elizabeth Harris, Monica Ray Hawkins, Ania Kubin, Patricia O'Donnell, Barbara A. Fulton, Hilary Hla, Cecelia Johnson-Dunlap, Regina S. Jones, Elizabeth Anne Knight, Beth Kotarski, Joanne Maleno, Polly H. O'Keefe, and Maria Warnick.
Congratulations to all the Senior Staff Award recipients!