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Help with Library Research Seven Days a Week

March 24, 2016

The following email was sent to staff by the LITS research and instructional services librarians on March 23.


I'm writing to publicize a slight change in the way the Research and Instructional Services group is providing reference and research help through the end of the academic year. In the past, we've held reference desk hours in Canaday on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but haven't reached as many people as we'd like (Saturday afternoon, we realize, is probably not a prime research time!).

We've decided instead to focus on providing faster responses by email 7 days a week, We will answer questions within 24 hours, and usually much more quickly. While many of you contact one of us directly about library research, and we encourage you to continue doing so, please consider writing on evenings and weekends if you need a quick response, especially as end of semester deadlines approach.

We welcome any questions and requests from simple to detailed about library research: where to start with a research paper, how to cite sources and use citation management tools, using databases or library holdings, how to get the proxy server to work for off-campus access…

See our (incipient and evolving) webpage at


Camilla MacKay and the LITS research and instructional services librarians: Olivia Castello, Terri Freedman, Alex Pfundt, Laura Surtees, and Arleen Zimmerle