Dans la marge de la BD: génocide et résilience
Author: Agnès Peysson-Zeiss
Source: Nouvelles Études Francophones 34 (1), 68-80. doi:10.1353/nef.2019.0008.
Publication type: Special volume: De la case à la gouttière. La bande dessinée d'expression française et ses marges
Abstract: How does one come to the rescue of generations affected by wars, massacres and genocides? Many artists have dealt with the question but only a few have used illustrations and sequential art to describe these tragedies, opening a path to new potentialities. Considered as a relatively marginal genre until the 80s, the graphic medium proposes an alternative, pluri-disciplinary, fragmented approach to memorial questions of trauma. This article discusses the representations of violence and witnessing that exist in the graphic novel format, de-centering the discourse and focusing on post-colonial graphic novels from Africa and Cambodia.