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Diversity Conversation, "Illness, Impairment, Injury: Complicating What Disability Means"

April 20, 2016
You are invited to this year's final Diversity Conversation, "Illness, Impairment, Injury: Complicating What Disability Means."

This introduction to disability will provide useful terminology as well as opportunities to discuss how participants see the meaning of disability. Facilitator Niki Barker '16 will also invite participants to broaden and deepen their perspectives, as well as to look at how identities intersect.

Diversity Conversation: "Illness, Impairment, Injury: Complicating What Disability Means" Date: Friday, April 22, 2016 Time: 12:00-1:30 PM Place: Dalton 119 (Note location change)

Lunch included!
