Bryn Mawr College has launched a new Testing Center designed to provide a supportive and inclusive environment for students requiring academic accommodations. Located on the second floor of Guild Hall, the center reflects the college’s ongoing commitment to accessibility, equity, and student success.
“By having this dedicated space, we can make sure students’ accommodations are being met appropriately and equitably,” says Joanna Timmerman, assistant director of access services.
The center is designed to accommodate eight to 10 students at one time, which would typically be considered “distraction-reduced” given the size and layout of the space. It is wheelchair accessible and users have access to an accessible single-use bathroom.
In addition to the benefits for students, the dedicated space and streamlined process for coordinating testing accommodations reduces administrative workload for faculty.
“It used to be that faculty had to do all the work of finding a space themselves," Timmerman says. "If a student was approved for a distraction-reduced environment, they would have to find or book a space for the student, and we all know how hard it can be to find open space on campus. Now, faculty can complete a testing agreement to share their course information and reserve the Testing Center for their exam dates."
Students or faculty with questions about the new Testing Center can reach out to testingcenter@brynmawr.edu
About Access Services:
At Access Services, we work with students and visitors to campus who self-identify with a disability to ensure equal access to Bryn Mawr’s programs, activities and services. The Access Services office, located in Guild Hall, provides support, and may arrange accommodations related to access for eligible students and visitors to campus. Individuals who think they may need accommodations because of the effects of a learning, physical, or psychological diagnosis and/or a chronic medical condition are encouraged to contact Access Services as early as possible to discuss their situation.