Assistant Professor Lauren Restrepo Quoted in WSJ Article on Scholars and China

Assistant Professor Lauren Restrepo, of the Growth and Structure of Cities Department, was among the researchers quoted in the Sept. 8 Wall Street Journal article, "China is Becoming Harder for Western Scholars to Study."
From the article:
"Lauren Restrepo, an anthropologist who studies urban development in authoritarian states, said she likely isn’t able to return to China given the sensitivities around her research, which analyzes how Chinese authorities use urban planning to assert control over ethnic Uyghurs and other Muslim communities in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. Restrepo, an assistant professor at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, now relies on “remote sensing”—reviewing sources such as satellite imagery, government documents, news and social media—to conduct research. “It is an act of desperation,” she said. 'You just do what’s possible.'"
Wall Street Journal articles can be accessed on campus via the library. Read the full article.
The interdisciplinary Growth and Structure of Cities major challenges the student to understand the dynamic relationship of urban spatial organization and the built environment to politics, economics, cultures and societies.