News from the Campaign
Poised to smash the goal.
Defy Expectation has surpassed $240 million with less than one year left in the Campaign. Your support is making a tangible difference—on the student experience, our physical plant, and our ability to innovate—at our college. We are asking for you to join us—for the first time, for the second time, with a special gift, annually—in supporting the next generation of alumnae/i. Your continuing support is instrumental to sustaining our commitment to innovation and to access. Thank you.
Anassa kata to the many alumnae/i who returned to campus in September for our annual Alumnae/i Volunteer Summit and Athletics Homecoming Weekend. Your commitment to Bryn Mawr is one reason we made The Princeton Review’s list of 25 schools with the most active and supportive alumnae/i networks.
Legacy in Action
Emily Greetis '23 (left) and Sophie Friedenwald-Fishman '23 are the first-ever recipients of the Lois M. Collier Scholarship. A proud, dedicated alumna, Collier was a loyal and consistent donor to the Bryn Mawr Fund and to special projects such as the Collier Science Library and Cambrian Row. She was also a steadfast volunteer, who served as a trustee for 16 years. Established by the Lois M. Collier Trust, the scholarship will continue her legacy and commitment to the College.
Greenlighting Innovation
The Presidential Priority Fund, a multiyear, six-figure commitment to The Bryn Mawr Fund, is at the heart of President Kim Cassidy’s daily efforts to advance the College’s excellence and make it accessible for all students. To date, eight donors have had an immediate impact on programs. This year, they helped to support curricular innovation in such programs as the 360° Course Clusters, the pilot of the Tri-Co Philly Program, and the Data Science Initiative.
Published on: 11/20/2019